CrossFit H-Town Makeover

The guys from CrossFit H-Town came to SixthDivision from Texas to work with Clint for a makeover. CrossFit H-Town is a strength and conditioning facility that implements CrossFit as their principal training program.  Their goal is to increase an athlete’s overall work capacity.  They accomplish this by engaging in many different sport modalities, including but…

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Killer Marketing Tools

As you may have learned by now, there is no one best way to funnel potential customers and clients to your site. Instead, the best approach is to build a multi-layered strategy that focuses both on offering an inviting and attractive method of attracting visitors and a proven method of managing leads generated once those…

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Partners, Affiliates & Joint Ventures

Email marketing can be one of the most effective ways to market your business from both a cost and a speed to ROI standpoint, but doing it right depends on how you set it up. There’s more to it than simply sending a blast or setting up your auto-responders and letting it go. There should…

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Email Marketing & Achieving ROI

Email marketing can be one of the most effective ways to market your business from both a cost and a speed to ROI standpoint, but doing it right depends on how you set it up. There’s more to it than simply sending a blast or setting up your auto-responders and letting it go. There should…

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Goldman Sachs Poured $54M Into Infusionsoft. Why?

Anyone else amazed about the announcement yesterday that Infusionsoft landed a huge ($54 million) capital investment? If you’re an Infusionsoft employee, shareholder, customer, partner, or prospect… or involved in the marketing automation space in any way, you should be off-the-hook excited about the news. Here’s my take on why… Infusionsoft didn’t need the money. They…

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Tripwire Marketing

My first exposure to tripwires was when I was about five years old. A group of my dad’s friends played a prank on us by toilet papering our house. As we went out to inspect the front lawn, I remember my dad yelling at me to STOP immediately. He noticed a clear fishing line strung…

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Lead Tracking and Accountability

Now that you understand the importance of capturing leads on your site from advertising, social media, and other marketing efforts, it’s time to dig in deeper on fixing your funnel. This next topic is one that isn’t very fun. It entails the nitty-gritty tracking of leads and making sure those that handle the leads are…

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