True Uniform Supply Makeover

Aaron headed over to SixthDivision for a makeover for his business, True Uniform Supply Co., a company that provides prison supplies and promotional products.

In his spare time, Aaron enjoys golf, travel, food, cooking, and music (specifically soul and disco). He also likes watching a few select TV shows: GoT, Mad Men, The Newsroom, and Homeland movies. Although with two young kids, he says that doesn’t happen often.

Aaron has been married for eight years, has two kids and two dogs. He says his wife is a woman who knows firsthand that being committed to an entrepreneur is often a bumpy, but rewarding ride.

To check out True Uniform Supply Co., click here


  1. Jason Strong on April 4, 2014 at 5:35 pm

    My manager at work just asked me to find some new uniforms for our new up coming employees, and I have no idea what I’m doing. I’ve been online looking for different ideas, but I really haven’t had a whole lot of success yet. After seeing this and though, I feel much better about it, and have somewhere to start. Thanks so much for sharing this, I’m excited to make my manager happy.